Officers of the Andrews Branch 57, District nine, of Hochheim Prairie Farm Insurance Policyholders, metrecentlywiththeAndrews Senior Citizens Director, and the Meals on Wheels Coordinator - Christy Loving Muziani, to give them the official amount for 2023, that they would be receiving from Hochheim’s main office in Yoakum, Texas, as voted to them at the recent policyholder’s meeting. Hochheim Insurance gives back ten dollars from each shareholder’s policy annually to communities that have a branch organization of Hochheim policy holders. Pictured above are; Deborah Moran, President, Branch 57; Barbara Puckett, Vice-President, Branch 57; Christy Loving Muziani, Andrews Meals on Wheels Coordinator; Joyce Guy, Treasurer Branch 57; Kitty Miller, Andrews Senior Citizen Center Director, and Tabitha Scott, Secretary for Branch 57.